What Is Black Music?

In Brazil, musical genres most associated with black people are considered to be Black Music. So, genres like Hip Hop, R&B, Funk and Soul would be called Black Music. Simple right?

Below are a few Black Music artists from America who Brazilians love:

  • Usher (the Old Usher)
  • Snoop Dogg
  • George Clinton
  • James Brown
  • 2Pac
  • Marvin Gaye
  • Keith Sweat
  • Soulja Boy

Brazilian Hip Hop

Hip Hop heads rejoice.

If you are visiting Brazil and want to listen to some dope music that reminds you of rap in America, then search no more.

Hip Hop culture is a global movement, so it’s no surprise that it would be HEAVILY influential in an urban, concrete jungle like SÃO PAULO.

Some of you already know how I feel about São Paulo; if you don’t check out my post about why I think São Paulo is better than Rio.

But one of the reasons I love Sampa so much is the diversity. Everyone isn’t a carbon copy of the next person when it comes to music. You have your samba lovers, your rock n roll fans, the techno/EDM crowd and then my favorite: the Hip Hop heads.

5 Pra 1 – Kush & Garotas EP

One dope, Hip Hop group I’ve discovered recently is 5 Pra 1. Coming straight out of the South Zone of São Paulo, 5 Pra 1 consists of rappers Dee, Renan Samam, Dj Will and Filiph Neo.

The group members are young, but have already worked with popular artists such as Racionais MCs, Marcelo D2 and Seu Jorge.

Their first group tape was released last year and it’s a GREAT representation of the fun side of the rap scene in Sampa. I highly recommend checking it out.

One of my favorite Hip Hop groups, Pac Div, even showed love to Brazil and the Hip Hop scene in São Paulo. One of the members Like, wrote an ode to Sampa before leaving in 2013. He has a feature on 5 Pra 1 debut EP too.

You can find out more about 5 pra 1 at the following links, support REAL Brazilian Hip Hop:

Biography (in Portuguese)

Junte amor pela música, talento, boas referências, amizade à meninos prodígios e o resultado será o grupo 5pra1, formado em 2013 por: Dee, Filiph Neo, Renan Samam e Dj Will.

Apesar de jovens, os integrantes possuem uma vasta experiência musical pois têm trabalhos em vários âmbitos com artistas consagrados como: Racionais Mcs, Marcelo D2, Seu Jorge, Emicida, Rael, Like (from Pac Div), Patrícia Marx, Fernandinho Beat Box, Kamau, Sorry Drummer, Rincon Sapiência, Slim Rimografia, Lito Atalaia, Silveira entre vários outros.

Em 2014, eles marcam sua estréia com o EP intitulado “Kush & Garotas”, com músicas que circulam entre Hip Hop, R&B e os melhores elementos da música negra. Este primeiro trabalho já mostra que eles chegaram e vão além: o EP foi todo composto, produzido, mixado e masterizado pelos próprios integrantes, exceto a faixa extra “Bombastic” que tem a co-produção de Coyote Beatz. E a faixa “My Favorite Love Song” tem a participação especial de Like do grupo californiano Pac Div.